Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Contest Openers

Objective: Find Contest Openers

Training: 1) Snatch, Singles, 40, 45, ..., 65, 70

2) Clean & Jerk, Singles, 60, 80, 85, 90, 95

Snatch, 70K

Clean & Jerk, 95K

Notes: I have been a nervous wreck the last 4 days because I want to perform at my best for the comp. I ALWAYS feel like I should go heavy more often. It is hard trusting the technique will carry over. In addition, my knee was acting up all day. I torn the left menius about 7 years ago. It doesn't like high volume leg stuff, i.e. 20+ minute CrossFit jazzercise, but heavy squats help it. I have been nice to it lately, but it was "dislocating" all day. Not what you want when you about to throw weights around.

I'm athlete and did what I need to do. My snatch felt great. I was planning to open at 65K, but I think 70K is more appropriate (73K is my PR). My C&J did not feel great. I made 95K without trouble but it was heavy. I might bump it up on Sunday.

Looking at the video, I can add 20k to my total if I fully clean up my technique. Let the record reflect my previous ability - 14 months ago. Regardless of how I perform at the comp, I'm content.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

National Automotive Slum

Training: 1) Clean Shrug X 2, Power Clean, & Jerk, 70K

2) Front Squat, Triples, 105, 107, 109

3) Split Stance Strict Press, Fours, 43, 43, 43

4) Weight Situp X 10, Ab rollout X 10, 45lb, 55lb, 65lb

Bonus: 5 Strict Muscle-ups, Huge Personal Record

Notes: Last hard practice before the comp and went all out. I need to better control the dip on the jerk. I focused on speed during #2. My shoulders are still too tight for proper execution of #3. I was fooling around on the rings and got 5 strict muscle ups. Too bad it is not a front squat/ gymnastics competition next weekend.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Climate Refugee

Training: 1) Snatch Shrug X 2 & Power Snatch, 50K
Do the entire complex again
That is one set

Notes: I thought I was moving past shrugs. No, I graduated to doing 2x as many. My position is still too low on my thigh, I'm too tight in the shrug, and pulling too much from toes. It was a hard practice doing the same thing for 1 hour.

I'm counting the days and practices until the comp. I'm over it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning Rebound Syndrome

Training: 1) Hang Power Clean & Jerk X 2, up to 60K

2) Front Squat X 2 & Jerk, 85, 85, 85, 90, 90

Notes: I have graduated from doing endless shrugs and power cleans. I got a coaching nugget - relax just your grip before you jerk. That allows you to push with your body and not arms. Immediately my footwork got better. I can finally go heavy in the Jerk. I feel like I can make 105 or more.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch, Singles, 40, 45, ... 70, 73*, 73(f)

2) Clean & Jerk, Singles, 70, 80, 90, 100*, 102(f), 102*

* I set 2 important PRs (Snatch & Total) and 1 training PR (Clean).

rest 6 hours

3) Front Squat, 225, 3X3

4) Press, 130, 3X5

Snatch, 73k, Personal Record
One day I will stop Power Snatching heavy weights

Clean, 102k, Personal Record
(Jerk, Fail, didn't really try)

Notes: Getting it done for the comp. I lifted very strong. I kept a good pattern until 70K in Snatch and 102K in Clean & Jerk. I lifted with a tranquil mind and minimal rest. With adrenaline and more rest between attempts, I should demolish my PRs.

Training is about treating weaknesses. Competition is about playing to strengths. #3 & #4 are solidifying my strengths. FS and Presses are the foundation for me. I kept it light because they still accessory work.

The plan:
Mon - heavy technique work
Wednesday - singles with perfect form
Friday - light technique work
Saturday - heavy singles
Monday - heavy technique work
Wednesday - Openers
Sunday - Competition!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch, Shrug and Hang Snatch, up to 60K

Notes: Back on the grind after a 5 days of complete rest. Feel strong and refreshed.

Still working to get in the right position during second pull. It is more bent over, with less knee bend, and tighter posture. I can barely hold the position without a bar! I need to start the second pull with more good morning type movement and less knee drift.

60K felt light, considering my current PR is 71K. I'm on a trajectory for a good meet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Power Hoisting

Objective: Strength

Training: 1) Press, 130, 3X5
rest 3 minutes between sets

2) Corkscrew, 45, 3X10

Notes: Still milking linear gains in the press, but it is starting to get heavy. My shoulder is feeling better.

I don't very much core specific work. Why not?

If I was serious about CrossFit or Oly, I would take a week off after the comp and do a Starting Strength cycle. I miss the process (mostly, partly the results) of a good strength cycle. The problem is I'm too much in love with rock climbing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Compensated Dating

Objective:Clean & Jerk, Maximum Effort

Training: 1) clean x 1, jerk x 2, 60, 65, 70

2) C&J, Singles, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100(f), 85, 85, 85

3) Snatches, Singles, 40, 45, 50(f)

Notes: Went to the local affilate because they started a "Bulgarian" cycle, i.e. full lifts only. I forgot my oly shoes and had to lift in my beat up Converse All-stars. The cleans felt very good and strong. The jerks felt better than in the past, but my footwork is all over the place. My technique is still the biggest limiter. First time ever Snatching after C&J. I couldn't find my groove. Overall, a good day under the bar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Squeezes

Training: 1) Rack Jerk X 2, up to 80k(?)

2) Front Squat, 235lbs, 3X3

Notes: I'm an idiot and cut off the tip of my thumb making breakfast. I'm not able to pull. I used the opportunity to work on my weak sauce jerk. I'm still dipping forward and my footwork is a mess. I need to turn my back foot in and my front foot needs to go out more. I got better and more comfortable with heavy weights. My speed is good. I love squatting. I could have went heavier but followed the coach's advice.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch Shrug x 2, Power Snatch up to 50K

2) Snatch Shrug, 3 good ones, 55K

3) OHS, 3X4, 62K

Snatch Complex

Notes: Finally got back to Boulder and worked with RH, the other main coach. He has a slightly different take on my technique problems. I appreciate the different perspective and solutions. I don't finish the shrug properly, greasing the wrong groove. It is less of an issue with hang power snatches. My shoulder is feeling better, and I was able to OHS. It is still light but everything is moving in the right direction.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Muscular Christianity

Objective: Technique, Strength

Training: 1) Snatch Shrug X 2, Power Snatch, OHS x 3, up to 65lb

2) Clean Shrug X 2, Power Clean, Jerk, Press X 3, up to 95lb

3) Press, 125, 3 X 5

4) Shoulder Work

5) Wrist Work

Notes: I have fallen off the training wagon for the Oly Comp. I'm syked but it is hard to make the pilgrimage to Boulder to train at the best available place. This was a globogym session to work my limiters and grease the groove.

I moved up in the press. Overall, my shoulder is feeling better and stronger. It is the weakest part of the chain, therefore feels the tightest/sorest after a session. I'm looking forward to the day when my whole body feels the training.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Keep Stumbling in The Right Direction

Training: 1) OHS, 65, 3X5

2) Jerk, technique work

3) Shoulder rehab

Jerk, Technique Work
Last Set

Notes: Light OHS are part of the shoulder rehab stuff. My jerk started to click during the last set. My shoulder already feels better.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pithy Piquant

Objective: Strength

Training: 1) Snatch grip push press, 95lbs, 3X5

2) Press, 115, 3X5

3) Shoulder rehab exercises

Notes: I'm attacking one of my oly lifting limiters, my left shoulder. I injured it about 3 years ago (a direct result of improper technique). I got a massage on Friday which loosen things up a bit. Now I'm strengthening it. Mobility + Strength = Durability.

I plan to press every other day until linear gains run out. Then alternative between barbell and dumbbell work. I will do the shoulder rehab exercises everyday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jealousy With A Halo

Training: 1) clean shrug x2, power clean, jerk x 2, up to 70K

Notes: Felt a little sick today. I didn't start to hit the lifts until 40 minutes into the session. Shrugs are getting much better. Power cleans are still not good enough. My footwork on the jerks is a mess.

I tried heavy OHS at the end and my left shoulder said NO. The head coach poked my shoulder and laughed. He suggested a vicious massage to loosen things ups.

It is motivating to train in a facility with great coaches and lifters that are lifting in the triple digits.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

70s Big

Objective: Snatch, Technique

Training: 1) Snatch Shrug X 2, Power Snatch, up to 52K

Notes: Lots of people at the training session today. I did one complex for the whole session - DEEP MASTERY. About 80% of my shrugs were passable, compared to ZERO last week. A couple of power snatches were moving the right direction. Need to improve footwork to move more kilos. If I keep chipping away, I'll lift 80K at the meet.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Plan, Purpose, & Reckless Enthusiasm

Objective: Clean & Jerk, Maximum Effort

Training: 1) Clean & Jerk, Singles, 60, 80, 90, 95, 100(PR), 90, 90, 90

2) Max Rounds in 10 min
10 pull-ups
10 push-ups
10 box jumps

The Board
Technically, I did a heavy single. Not a 1 RM.

Clean & Jerk, 100k
Personal Record !!!

Clean & Jerk, 90k
Dropping back down in weight to work technique

Notes: The local affiliate had a random max effort C&J day. I had a plan - set a new PR at 100K. I had rack jerked 100K a couple of weeks ago so I knew I had it in me. Everything went perfectly.

I tried to keep a "tranquil mind" during my lifts, Dan John advice. My form broke down but that happens during a max effort. My hips still rise first during the 1st pull. My footwork is a mess during the jerk.

I dropped down to 90% for 3 more singles. I didn't miss a single lift and set myself nicely for the upcoming comp.

The pull-ups were the hardest/limiting factor for the Met Con. I have been climbing hard lately and my kip still sucks. The push-ups were a joke. I did drop sets for the box jumps. I stacked 2 bumpers on a 24'' box and pulled 1 half way through. I should have drop set the pull ups. I misread the clock at one point, and it messed with my pacing. I don't care about Met Con. It is not part of THE PLAN.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Third Eye

Because of Oly lifting I'm developing a third eye, it happens to be on my thumb.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don’t Mistake Ribs For Abs

Training: 1) snatch shrug x 2, power clean, 50K

2) snatch shrug, fives, 60K

3) front squat, 3x5, 225lb

Notes: Just another training day. I like the gym because I'm average or even below average. I had 2 good shrugs, last time it was zero. Still not power snatching optimally. I like squatting. I love squatting heavy. We talked about goals for the comp on Nov 7. DM suggested 80K Snatch and 105K C&J. Goals are good.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Training: 1) Various combinations, power cleans & jerks, 50-70K

2) shrugs, fives, 90K

Notes: The CrossFit affiliate had programed heavy cleans into their WOD, which meant I was the only one at the oly workout. I had a personal training session with the head coach!!!

My tight shoulders force a suboptimal finish position for the Jerk. He stretched them using PNF. It was not fun, but I felt better after. The coach showed me stretches that I'll be 3x a day until my shoulders are acceptable.

Still working on a vertical bar path during the shrug. I was able to make small improvements.

He said I should be able to CJ 125K for the comp (current PR is 95K). I believe him.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Objective: Snatch, Technique

Warm-up: 1) row 500m

2) Mobility Drills

3) David Miller Complex

aka The Standard

Training: 1) Snatch Complex, 30K

2) Hang Snatch Shrug x 2, Power Snatch, 40K

3) Hang Snatch Shrug, four-fives, 52K (most of the session)

Notes: This session was rough. I tend to look down when I finish a Snatch. I thought it was from a tight thoracic spine, a climbing side effect. No, it is my bad technique. The bar travels away from my body during The Scoop. I pull it back during the third pull and throw my head forward to recompensate. Today's session was working towards a vertical bar path during The Scoop.

I have modest goals. I want to have one good lift during the session. Today my single best lift was about 80% good. Mentally that is very hard. Physically, I have blisters on both my thumbs from the large volume of hang snatch shrugs.

There is always tomorrow.

Since I have a coach standing over me for every lift there is less need for video.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Objective: Technique

Warm-up: 1) row 500m

2) mobility drills

3) barbell complex, 6 reps of
bend overs (exactly what it sounds like)
bend over muscle snatch w/ clean grip
military press
good morning
oly style back squat

Training: 1) hang power clean, doubles or triples, up to 70k

2) power clean, pause below knee for 2s

3) power clean, split jerk x 2

I'm in the back relearning how to hang power clean.
Photo courtesy of Flatirons CrossFit

Notes: I'm taking my training to the next level by joining the crew at Flatirons CrossFit. They have started a new weightlifting program. They have quality coaches and equipment. In addition, all the lifters want to compete.

I learned a new barbell complex to warm-up and did every move wrong. I was thinking too much. It is just moving weight. I'm relearning how to squat Oly-style. What these coaches care most about is a neutral back, my knees can drift in front of my toes. My hips are going to be sore tomorrow from the new movement groove.

The training is intuitive, no posted whiteboard workouts.The coaches watch you lift and work on your personal weaknesses. If you're weak put more weight on the bar. If your technique sucks, me, break down the elements. My back was literally shaking during some of the movements because of the new positions. There was still enough weight on the bar to get a dose. The coaches gave me many pointers, I hope I remember half of them.

I'm very excited about this great opportunity.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Objective: Technique, Met Con

Training: 1) Complexes with 20K bar, 45 minutes

2) 7 rounds
row, 30/30

Snatch, first pull
Looking better. Hammer Strength plates still suck.

Clean & Jerk Complex
It is starting to click.

Notes: I'm resyked about Oly lifting because I found a way to take my lifting to the next level. Details to follow. Today's workout was preparation for the next step. I used specific complexes to worked on my specific technical weaknesses. I have a long way to go but I made some big steps today.

Sometimes my enthusiasm for GPP pendulums. After bad experiences with CrossFit Affiliates, I don't want to train it. But I do something not silly, it still feels good.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too much Month At The End of the Money

Objective: Snatch

Warm-up: 2 rounds
row 200m for time (34.6s, 34.7s)
rest as needed between rounds

Training: Snatch, Singles, 125, 135, 145, 155(f), 155, 145, 145

Snatch 155lb
Looking a little less sucky, I swear I try to have the bar and hips rise at the same time.

Notes: I went to the other CrossFit affiliate for the WOD class because it was max effort snatch. This affiliate takes the concept of "warm-up as workout" too far. I was expected and encouraged to do the sprint row as fast possible without any other warm-up. They were disappointed in me when I didn't beat my 1st round time. That is just stupid and a good way to hurt athletes.

I received no coaching on the Snatch though out the session. In addition, their bars lack knurling near the collars. That makes it very difficult to pull yourself under the bar during the 3rd pull. I was able to come close to my contest PR. I finished with some lighter singles to work on technique and build capacity.

I'm not going back to their group classes.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Objective: Jerk


Jerk, 100K
Personal Record

Jerk, 102K, fail

Notes: Went to a very full CrossFit class. I set an easy PR at 100K. I should stop when I set a PR. I continued and missed 102K. At least I'm not afraid of missing, still pushing my mental barriers. I dropped down and took heavy, lighter singles (95, 97) to work technique.

The Met Con was heavy and short. RAD. I did the pull ups with 40lbs, swings with 40K, and the lunges were longer than 100ft(not planned). I did 5 rounds in 10 minutes. Good Heavy Breathing. I no longer feel the need to keep compare my training performance to other people.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bottom Space

Objective: Strength


Front Squat, Heavy Single, 130K
Personal Record

Push Jerk, Triples, 70K
I kept it light to work on technique

Notes: The local affiliate has started a strength focused cycle. I'm skipping it. The quickest and best way to improve is by attacking limiters. In Oly lifting, my biggest limiter is poor technique at heavy weights. A strength cycle does not directly address my limiter.

On a positive note, I set a huge PR in the front squat. The biggest difference in my training has been more time off and a Creatine cycle. Interesting.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Luddite Blog

Object: Strength, MetCon

Training: (1) 1 RM Deadlift, 410bs

(2) 5 rounds
10 swings, 1.5 pood
15 box jumps, 36''
20 GHD situps
Not for time, "work briskly, not frantically"

Deadlift, 410lbs
Personal Record
I've not deadlifted heavy in 6 months.

Notes: I'm taking a week off from Oly Lifting after the meet. During my travels, I ended up at Planet Granite in SF. It has a full CrossFit gym but no forced WOD. RAD. I used the opportunity to pull heavy and breath hard.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

State Games of America, Trip Report

The Promise Land :
USA Weightlifting Training Center in Colorado Springs
The best bar I have ever touched, and it was in the warm-up room.

Notice I'm one of the tallest in my weightclass, i.e. bad levers.

Everyone was punters compared to this guy.
He made the Clean but missed the Jerk.
(That is 170K/375lbs @ 94K.)

Final Results

I attending my second Weightlifting competition at the State Games of America at the USA Weightlifting Training Center in Colorado Springs. I still felt the almost cripplingly nervousness but better than my 1st comp. I went through distinct cycles of anxiety followed by nausea and finally calm.

I could only briefly enjoy the ambiance of the Olympic Training Center. There were was a sharp contrast between the bristling muscles of the athletes and the husky waddle of the tourists. I ate my lunch of hard boiled eggs and almonds next to a family munching on McDonald's. This time I was clam enough to enjoy watching the woman lifting. One of the female Olympic Training Center resident athletes did the most beautiful lift I had ever seen.

Being self-coached at Oly meet is hard, but I getting used to it. However, the people at CrossFit Front Range Weightlifting Club help me in innumerable small ways. I did my standard warm up of 500m row and mobility drills. I hit all my warm ups, using the template from Greg Everett's book. I went too fast so I took 55K three times, every 8 minutes.

I went 3 for 3 on Snatches (60, 65, 71), still more power-style. Attempt #2 almost got away from me. In the process of wrestling into control, I strained my left middle back.

I was prepared for some heavy C&J, coming off a string of training PRs. I stuck to the same plan: open very conservatively, big but doable jump, and set PR. I went 3 for 3 on C&J (85, 90, 95). During my 2nd attempt I pressed it out a little with right arm, enough to strain my shoulder.

Overall, the event was incredible. I set 3 PRs (Snatch 71, Clean & Jerk 95, and Total 166). I felt completely maxed, physically and mentally. There is a lot of work going into, but worth it. I love competing. Olympic Weightlighting is distilled to pure essesence: you, a bar, and a couple seconds of intense effort.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

State Games of America, Killin' It

State Games of America
Killin' It

Written report coming soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nash Equilibrium

Training: Snatches, singles, 95, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145(f)

Clean & Jerk, singles, 145, 170, 185, 205, 210(f), 195, 195, 195(f)

Clean & Jerk, 205
Personal Record

Notes: I got some sleep and am back in the game. Today was my last training day before the contest and I needed to find my openers. Climbing and Snatching hate each other. My piss poor Snatch is directly related to my hard climbing training. I have two ideas why.

1. Climbing tightens the thoracic spine. Catching a Snatch in a the full receiving position requires a relatively flexible thoracic spine.

2. Climbing tires the shoulder girdle which triggers my body puts to put the brakes on during the third pull.

I easily set a PR in the C&J because of my improved rack position. RAD. It gives me a big boost of confidence going into the meet.

A lifter typically finishes a 16 week cycle going into a meet and should take a week off before a competition. However, my training has been all over the map. I felt like I could go hard today and still be ready to compete on Saturday.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Snatch Balance, 75, Fail

Front Squat, 95, Redemption

Notes: I feel like crap and have no motivation to train for the Oly comp. I sucked big time during this workout. My shoulders felt weak and my right elbow hurt a little. Hopefully, more rest days will get me over this hump.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Party & Play


I guess 85% were the heavy days.

Clean Complex
(with improved elbow position)

95K, personal record
(but there was a little press-out)

Notes: The official workout was my warm-up. The real work was on the Jerk. I got a great piece of coaching on elbow/wrist position. That technical improvement enabled me to immediately set a PR. I'm still looking for similar technical improvements in climbing, aka easy money. I'm bringing it to the oly comp. 3 sessions and 3 personal records in the Jerk. The weights on the reverse GHD sit-ups are in pounds.

Remember: "Olympic contests are won with the Clean & Jerk."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

False Vacuum

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting


Hell Yeah


Notes: Snatch complex was cruisey. I focused on maintaining back angle during first pull. Muscle cleans work elbow turn over. My elbows get around the bar just fine, therefore not the best drill for me.

The Jerks were what I needed. In fact, I need to Jerk heavy every session. My technique and lack of confidence are holding me back. I improved and set a PR. Hopefully, it transfers to conventional Jerks.

I skipped the leg raises because I'm heading to Lander, WY for Climber's Festival. The overhanging pockets will work my abs plenty good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fluid Bonded

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: row 500 (1:45)
Mobility Drills

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 95, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115, 125, 135, 135, 145(f), 115, 115, 115

(2) Clean & Jerk, singles, 115, 115, 115

Snatch, 135 (bonus OHS)
If I catch a Snatch too high, I will do a OHS after and pause at the bottom.
It sucks, but teaches the part of my brain that is afraid to go in the receiving position to do the right thing.

Clean & Jerk ,115 (very light)
I still drift forward. That needs to stop. NOW!

Notes: Shoulders are tight from climbing which made it hard to receive in the snatch in a full squat. I know how to loosen-up my shoulders, I just need to do it everyday. The clean and jerk was light because it is going to be hit hard tomorrow at the other CrossFit Affiliate.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Topping from the Bottom

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting, Strength

Warm-up: a quick one

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135

(2) Clean & Jerk, 135, 145, . . ., 195*, 200(PR)*

rest 6 hours

(3) OHS, fives, 65, 95, 125

(4) Front Squat, singles, 225, 245, 255, 265(f)

(5) 4 rounds
Front Squat, doubles, 225
1 arm press, 8 reps, 40

(6) Bench, 5X5, 135

(7) Dip, ladder, 1-6-1

(8) Reverse wrist curls, 3X10m, 10

* I pressed out this reps. Good enough for CrossFit Standards, but I hold myself to a higher standard.

Notes: I tried climbing again and there was actual pain in my elbow. I'm taking a couple days off and hitting the antagonists hard.

The Oly went well consider how the bad equipment/facility. For example, I have to be careful which plates I use because some get stuck on the bar. LAME!! I sorta set a PR in C&J. It is the most weight I have put from ground to overhead, but I would've red lighted in an Oly comp.

After not being in the weight room in a little while, this was a bitch. I've never been good at benching, but I now I'm pathetic. That 5X5 will make me tight and sore for days.

Bonus: I'm thinking about doing the "Josh Everett training program."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Get My Advice From The Advertising World

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: row 500m (1:50, It wasn't for time, but slower than I wanted)

Training: Snatch, work up to 1 single at 85%, 64K

Snatch Pull, triples, 70, 75

Snatch Deadlift, triples, 85, 85

Box Jump, 15 at 30''

Bonus: test 1 RM Box Jump, 46''

Notes: I feel slow and old after the driving, not sleeping, and training for climbing. But what the hell, let's throw some heavy weights over my head. I'm actually glad for a medium intensity ultra-low volume day. I focused on fixing my two biggest technical weaknesses, hips raising first and donkey kicking. I made some progress. Both of these problems stem from being self-taught. I did not learn the deadlift correctly at first. In addition, I feel like I need to throw the weight in the air. I should pull the weight up and myself under. 30 days until the competition.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not The Only Apple On The Tree

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Single Snatch on the minute with the following weights:
5 X 50% of 1 RM
5 X 60% of 1 RM

Bonus: 5X5, GHD sit-ups, 45lb (On the last set, I did 11 reps)

Notes: Back to the local affiliate for this session. 80% is medium intensity. 5 singles is low volume. You don't make monsters out of medium intensity, low volume workouts. Since I'm a novice, mere exposure will make me better.

I did get fatigued towards the end and starting reverting to my old ways, i.e. Power Snatch. The coach kept me honest and made go back to the Snatch.

I used this as an opportunity improve my weak sauce jerk. The best cue for me is "HEELS." The bar will go more straight up and down, less forward. My split suffers for a first couple of reps, but fixes itself. I'm syked for next month's Oly comp.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How A Resurrection Really Feels

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: (1) Burgner Warm-up
(2) Mobility Drills
(3) Snatch, singles, 95 X 4

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 105, 115, 125, 115, 115

(2) Clean and Jerk, singles, 115, 125, ..., 185, 175, 175

Snatch, 125
I'm still part donkey

Clean and Jerk, 185
A little squirrelly on the Jerk

Notes: I'M BACK IN THE GAME. I was wallowing in self pity about Oly lifting. The local CrossFit gym has great equipment but suboptimal programming. I can't lift at home since I live in an upstairs apartment and don't think my downstairs would like me dropping the weights. I got off my ass and found another CrossFit affiliate that has open gym time. It is in some random Front Range cowtown. It has crappy bars, a bad platform, and no squat racks. (Seriously, your gym is a pile if it doesn't have squat racks.). I can ignore the glaring deficiencies because it has bumpers and I can train the way I want.

This workout is a baseline. I worked up to a heavy single and then dropped down for two more singles. My snatch needs a lot of work - 3rd pull, hips raising first, shoulders not set, and donkey kicking. I need to stay on my heels more for the clean and jerk.

I still love heavy lifting. As Coach Burgner says, "That fires my ass up!!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busting Up A Starbucks

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: (1) 400m, run
(2) Burgener warm-up

Training: (1) Hang Snatch, triples, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60x2, 55x2

(2) Snatch Balance, triples, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75

(3) 50 GHD sit-ups, not for time but unbroken

No excuses, but some days it is harder to hang onto a barbell.

Snatch Balance, triples, 75
Why can't I get under the bar like this during a Snatch?

Notes: The local CrossFit affiliate posts their workouts the night before. When I saw this one, I know I had to do it. It focuses on one of my biggest weaknesses, the third pull of Snatch. I still think the local affiliate's version of the Burgener warm-up is a pile. They don't squat below parallel during it. I saw several people unable to land in a full squat with weight, early in the workout, because there was no movement preparation for it. I used my anger about my competition performance as fuel for this workout. A couple of weeks ago, 75k was 1 RM for Snatch Balance. I tripled it today. NICE. The GHD sit-ups were a joke. I need to stay away from Oly lifting/CrossFit so I can focus on climbing.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Olympic Weightlifting Competition, 6 chances to mess you up

Objective: Performance

Snatch: (1) 70k, fail (press out)
(2) 70k, success!!!
(3) 72k, fail (did not get under it at all)

Clean & Jerk: (1) 80k, success (easy day)
(2) 85k, success!!! (personal record, not a problem)
(3) 90K, fail (press out because I hit myself in the face)

Total: 155K (personal record)
Place: 2nd place in 85k weight class (by 2 kilos!)

You know you are at a local competition when it is hard to keep little children and cute dogs off the lifting platform

These two kids loaded the bar for the whole competition.
It makes me want to have kids. I hate bending over and changing the weights. Plus it helps the kids learn to count.

Clean & Jerk, 85
A personal record and my best lift of the competition

Notes: I rolled down to Broomfield for my first Olympic Weightlifting competition. 3 attempts at the Snatch and 3 attempts at the Clean & Jerk. I got there plenty early which gave me time to calm down since I felt like puking in the parking lot. It would have been the first time puking from CrossFit/Oly lifting.

The atmosphere was very informal and fun, but the competition was professionally run. There was 3 "flights", groups of competitors. The first flight was woman. The 2nd flight was men whose opening lifts were less than 60K. I was in the 3rd flight, mostly with men that tipped the scales at 200lbs+. I felt tiny.

I missed my opener (which completely sucks) because I tried to squat snatch it and ended up pressing it out. I have always been better at power snatching. Just like in climbing, don't change your beta on redpoint burns. I made it the second time. I pulled the crap out of 72k, but didn't get under it. My third pull is pathetic.

I was calmer and more warmed up for the clean & jerk. I opened very conservatively, and it worked out well. My 2nd attempt went up very easily so I made another big jump for my 3rd attempt. I tend to drift forward on my Jerks. I over corrected on my 3rd attempt and hit myself in the chin! I'm such a klutz.

I got 2nd by 2 freaking kilos. I didn't realize that anyone was close to me because he lifted in another flight. I out snatched him by 5 kilos, but my poor jerk ability/coordination put me in 2nd place. I was pissed.

Overall, it was great. I just wish my training had better prepared me for lifting in a meet. I'm even thinking about entering a competition at the end July. It is at the Olympic Training Center. How freaking cool is that!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Decaf Espresso

Warm-up: (1) row 500m (1:47)
(2) Burgener warm-up

Training: (1) Power Snatch & 3 Overhead Squats, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70

(2) Snatch Shrug, triples, 74, 84, 84

(3) Stiff Legged Deadlift, fives, 84, 90, 93

Power Snatch & 3 Overhead Squats, 70
Ties my PR set on Birthday Challenge with a HUGE improvement in form

Snatch Shrug, triples, 84
Getting better at these, but I really need work on my 3rd pull

Notes: Last session before the competition. Luckily, the "random" programming was a lower volume this week. 70k is the most I have ever Snatched!! I have no idea how much I'm going to lift in the competition. I don't think it will be much more because my technique with heavy weights is very poor. I tend to "press out" heavy weights, which is a foul in competition.

The stiff-legged deadlifts felt better this week. My body is learning how to do the exercise, and I can start to increase the kilos. I do them nice and slow with perfect form, almost like a bodybuilder. I can touch the weights to the ground for the first time since my hamstrings have less tension. I attribute that to working out less and stretching more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabagging Obama

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: Burgener Warm-up

Training: (1) 3-position clean & jerk, 5X3, 30K (Yes, I did all 45)

(2) Rack Jerk, doubles, 40, 60, 80, 90(x1), 65, 65

(3) GHD situp, 3X10, 20

Rack Jerk, 90X1
My aggressiveness and footwork are not present at heavy weights

Rack Jerk, 65X2
I dropped back down and things got cleaner.

Notes: I should be picking my opening lifts for the upcoming competition. I asked one of coach at the CrossFit box about the topic. He didn't know (since I have never done the full movements with heavy weights there). It is especially ironic since their motto is : Train here, succeed out there. I'm not set up to succeed at my upcoming comp. I did their workout as Rx'd. My jerk needs a lot of work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bitch Slapped by the Invisible Hand

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: a bunch of snatches

Training: (1) Snatch - 70% x 2 x 3 , 52

(2) Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3, 68

(3) Snatch deadlift - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3, 68

(4) Front squat - 75% x 3 x 5, 91

(5) Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 8, 20

Snatch pull, triples, 68
Sky High

Snatch, triples, 43
I get too much elevation, but at least I'm not donkey kicking.

Notes: I got this gem from Catalyst Athletics. If I had a choice in my programming, I would choose their programming. They load the full lifts and focus on increasing totals.

It was a full hour and hard. Since I was lifting with steel, I had to be in complete control, and it took a toll on me. I didn't want to do the weighted sit-ups, but I won't be able to look myself in the mirror if I had quit.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tight Jeans & Loose Women

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: 3-postion clean & jerk, 20K, 34K, 43K, 57K

Training: (1) Rack Jerk, triples, 61K, 66K, 70K, 75K

(2) Back extensions, fives, 41K, 41K, 41K

(3) Plank, aka stamp collectors, 30s each side X 3

Rack Jerk, triples, 70K

Plank, aka stamp collectors
1 arm & 1 leg

Notes: Hit the Oly workout at the globo gym which was less than optimal, goofy plates and people looking at me weird for grunting. I was a surprisingly sore from the Mountain Athlete workout yesterday. No excuses, but I lowered the volume.

I'm very bad at the Jerk. I just started doing it a couple of weeks ago. I know I can easily Clean what I can Jerk. There will be lots of Jerk work until the competition.

I did my homework and the best lifts in my weight division at the last competition were : Snatch, 75k, C&J, 107k, and Total, 182K. It will be hard, but I want to win. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I’m in like with you

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: 3 position snatch, 5X3, 25k all sets

(1) Snatch Balance, 5x5, 30K, 40K, 50K, 60k, 65K

(3) Front Squat, triples, 85K, 95K, 105K
double, 115K

Snatch Balance
65K X 5

Front Squat
115K X 2

Notes: After driving for 18 hours straight and working my desk job for two days, I was a wreck. I don't tolerate inactivity very well. I was ready for my weekly oly workout. In addition, the workouts are taking on a new seriousness because the competition is only days away. I really like the environment, but disagree with the programming. I rather load the full movements and lower the volume.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Olympic Weightlifting

Objective : Strength

Training : (1) Power Snatch, triples, 40, 50, 55, 60, 55

(2) Overhead Squats, triples, 40, 50, 60, 75, 85x2

(3) Snatch grip shrugs, fives,

(4) Stiff-legged deadlift, fives,

OHS, 85x2
I would have done all three if I had reset my feet properly.
Attention to Detail.

Notes: The Power Snatches were more Muscle Snatches because the weight was light, and I lack great technique. I tried to set a new PR with OHS triples but had to settle for a double. My wrists hurt for 5 minutes after the lift. My wrists are messed up from a decade of skateboarding. There is a difference between pain and injury. That was pain.

Lately, I have be a little adrift in my Olympic lifting quest. I started the weightlifting class with the goal of increasing my 1 RM snatch and c&j. The class never maxes out (and probably never will). However, I will get an opportunity at a local competition at the end of the next month. It is just a "fun" meet, but it gives me goal to focus on. I think the fastest road to improvement is through competition.

Bonus : Here are the Viking Laws.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You’re Funny but Looks Aren’t Everything

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) 3-pos Snatch, 3 times
5 rounds (45 total Snatches!!!)

(2) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press, fives, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55

(3) Snatch Pull, triples, 60, 70, 75

(4) Front Squat, triples, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115(f)

Snatch Pull, triples, 75
I kept my "chest up." It helped.

Front Squat, triples, 110
Good and Heavy

Front Squat, triples, 115(fail)
I tried to triple my previous 1 RM.
"A man's reach should exceed his grasp"

Notes : I had to go to the 7am class because I'm heading to Boulder for some climbing flicks. The cultural events make living in the Front Range nice, compared to the backwards of CA. My body doesn't move well in the morning, and 45 snatches is a hell of a wake-up. My new shoes are incredible. I sit back on the heels, and they do all the work. Compare this workout to : Mittens & Zip Ties (pre weightlifting shoes).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Power Bottom

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) Rack Jerks, doubles, 40K, 50K, 60K, 70K, 80K

(2) Clean High Pulls, triples, 110K, 120K, 120K

(3) High bar back squats, fives!!, 110K, 120K, 130K

(4) 3 rounds
3 frenchies, 5s hold each position
5 pistols

(5) 3X10, hanging leg raises

Rack Jerk, Double, 80K
I start criticizing my form in the middle of the lift. I really should wait until the weight is no longer in a position to kill me before I start my commentary.

Clean High Pull, Triples, 120K
I don't have a good idea what I'm suppose to do with this exercise. I just try really hard.

High-bar Back Squats, Fives, 130K
It is good to be back under the bar.

Notes : Another high volume session. The leash was loosen a little, and I put some weight on the bar. Heavy Split Jerks are relativity new for me. I usually workout in places where you can't drop the weight. Recently, I have done only Push Presses or Push Jerks. This is the first time back squatting in a long, long time. Mountain Athlete recommends front squats, and I agree. When I do back squat, it is low-bar powerlifter style. Low-bar squats are like handjams. You can crank on them, but they suck. High-bar squats are like fingerlocks. You can't crank as hard, and they suck twice as much. I'm not sold on frenchies. They are hard, but I'm not sure if they translate to the rock. I remember having similar frenchie numbers when I was a far worse climber.

Bonus : My new shoes are rad. I'm much better in the bottom position (he, he, he). They size the same as Converse All-stars and here is a discount code : CF1007.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I’m not mad at you, just disappointed.

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up : triples, Snatch, 40K, 50K, 55K

Training : singles, Snatch, 60k, 65k, 70K(f)

Snatch, 65K

Snatch, 70K, fail
The first pull (from the ground to the knee) and second pull (from the knee to full extension) were okay. I was a pansy at the 3rd pull (pulling yourself under the bar) and missed the lift.

Notes : The weightlifting class is shifting into the next gear, full movements with weight! I need to get the right shoes. Chuck Taylors are holding me back. My technique is acceptable if I focus very hard. The moment my focus wavers, I revert to my old ways. Like climbing, Olympic Weightlifting continuously provides an opportunity to do your best.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slow Motion Is Better Than No Motion

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) Singles, Snatch Balance, 50k, 60K, 65K, 70K, 75K

(2) 3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat, 40K, 40K, 45K, 47K, 40K

Single, Snatch Balance, 75k

3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat, 40K

Notes : I didn't write about last week's session because I was a mess. I deadlifted heavy the day before, and it messed with the snatch workout. According to the random training philosophy of Crossfit, it should build my work capacity and make me fitter. In my book, it was stupid programming. I was smarter this week and came to practice fresh. Once again, the coaching is great at the local box. My technique is increasing by leaps and bounds. Once they let me off the chain, I'm going to set a new PR.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Hardest Thing About Oly Lifting Is The Metric System

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up : Lots of practice and transfer exercises

Training : (1) triples, OHS, 50K, 60K, 70K, 75K, 80K

Notes : Went back to the local CF affiliate. I know what you saying, “Brian. If the place isn’t the cat mellow, why you keep scratching at the door?” It was the first Olympic Lifting class. One major chink in my fitness armor is Oly Lifting. I have taught myself how to powerlift, run, kettlebell, and everything else from books or websites. I have been unable to teach myself the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. The coaches at this box are top notch. However, I still respectively disagree with their programming. They love their high volume, which is great for beginners. Beginner needs lots of practice and help building their work capacity. I’m low volume guy. I know the movements (I need work putting them together under heavy weights) and have plenty of work capacity. High volume just eats away at me. It was nice to go heavy with OHS because I usually don't due to a lack of proper facilities. I still don’t know my max because they had us stop before failure.

Bonus : CrossFit North’s Athletic Standard for “Advanced” OHS is 1Xbodyweight.

FYI : I weigh just under 80K.