Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nash Equilibrium

Training: Snatches, singles, 95, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145(f), 145(f)

Clean & Jerk, singles, 145, 170, 185, 205, 210(f), 195, 195, 195(f)

Clean & Jerk, 205
Personal Record

Notes: I got some sleep and am back in the game. Today was my last training day before the contest and I needed to find my openers. Climbing and Snatching hate each other. My piss poor Snatch is directly related to my hard climbing training. I have two ideas why.

1. Climbing tightens the thoracic spine. Catching a Snatch in a the full receiving position requires a relatively flexible thoracic spine.

2. Climbing tires the shoulder girdle which triggers my body puts to put the brakes on during the third pull.

I easily set a PR in the C&J because of my improved rack position. RAD. It gives me a big boost of confidence going into the meet.

A lifter typically finishes a 16 week cycle going into a meet and should take a week off before a competition. However, my training has been all over the map. I felt like I could go hard today and still be ready to compete on Saturday.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Snatch Balance, 75, Fail

Front Squat, 95, Redemption

Notes: I feel like crap and have no motivation to train for the Oly comp. I sucked big time during this workout. My shoulders felt weak and my right elbow hurt a little. Hopefully, more rest days will get me over this hump.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Party & Play


I guess 85% were the heavy days.

Clean Complex
(with improved elbow position)

95K, personal record
(but there was a little press-out)

Notes: The official workout was my warm-up. The real work was on the Jerk. I got a great piece of coaching on elbow/wrist position. That technical improvement enabled me to immediately set a PR. I'm still looking for similar technical improvements in climbing, aka easy money. I'm bringing it to the oly comp. 3 sessions and 3 personal records in the Jerk. The weights on the reverse GHD sit-ups are in pounds.

Remember: "Olympic contests are won with the Clean & Jerk."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

False Vacuum

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting


Hell Yeah


Notes: Snatch complex was cruisey. I focused on maintaining back angle during first pull. Muscle cleans work elbow turn over. My elbows get around the bar just fine, therefore not the best drill for me.

The Jerks were what I needed. In fact, I need to Jerk heavy every session. My technique and lack of confidence are holding me back. I improved and set a PR. Hopefully, it transfers to conventional Jerks.

I skipped the leg raises because I'm heading to Lander, WY for Climber's Festival. The overhanging pockets will work my abs plenty good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Fluid Bonded

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: row 500 (1:45)
Mobility Drills

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 95, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115, 125, 135, 135, 145(f), 115, 115, 115

(2) Clean & Jerk, singles, 115, 115, 115

Snatch, 135 (bonus OHS)
If I catch a Snatch too high, I will do a OHS after and pause at the bottom.
It sucks, but teaches the part of my brain that is afraid to go in the receiving position to do the right thing.

Clean & Jerk ,115 (very light)
I still drift forward. That needs to stop. NOW!

Notes: Shoulders are tight from climbing which made it hard to receive in the snatch in a full squat. I know how to loosen-up my shoulders, I just need to do it everyday. The clean and jerk was light because it is going to be hit hard tomorrow at the other CrossFit Affiliate.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Topping from the Bottom

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting, Strength

Warm-up: a quick one

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135

(2) Clean & Jerk, 135, 145, . . ., 195*, 200(PR)*

rest 6 hours

(3) OHS, fives, 65, 95, 125

(4) Front Squat, singles, 225, 245, 255, 265(f)

(5) 4 rounds
Front Squat, doubles, 225
1 arm press, 8 reps, 40

(6) Bench, 5X5, 135

(7) Dip, ladder, 1-6-1

(8) Reverse wrist curls, 3X10m, 10

* I pressed out this reps. Good enough for CrossFit Standards, but I hold myself to a higher standard.

Notes: I tried climbing again and there was actual pain in my elbow. I'm taking a couple days off and hitting the antagonists hard.

The Oly went well consider how the bad equipment/facility. For example, I have to be careful which plates I use because some get stuck on the bar. LAME!! I sorta set a PR in C&J. It is the most weight I have put from ground to overhead, but I would've red lighted in an Oly comp.

After not being in the weight room in a little while, this was a bitch. I've never been good at benching, but I now I'm pathetic. That 5X5 will make me tight and sore for days.

Bonus: I'm thinking about doing the "Josh Everett training program."