Thursday, February 26, 2009

I’m not mad at you, just disappointed.

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up : triples, Snatch, 40K, 50K, 55K

Training : singles, Snatch, 60k, 65k, 70K(f)

Snatch, 65K

Snatch, 70K, fail
The first pull (from the ground to the knee) and second pull (from the knee to full extension) were okay. I was a pansy at the 3rd pull (pulling yourself under the bar) and missed the lift.

Notes : The weightlifting class is shifting into the next gear, full movements with weight! I need to get the right shoes. Chuck Taylors are holding me back. My technique is acceptable if I focus very hard. The moment my focus wavers, I revert to my old ways. Like climbing, Olympic Weightlifting continuously provides an opportunity to do your best.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Slow Motion Is Better Than No Motion

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) Singles, Snatch Balance, 50k, 60K, 65K, 70K, 75K

(2) 3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat, 40K, 40K, 45K, 47K, 40K

Single, Snatch Balance, 75k

3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat, 40K

Notes : I didn't write about last week's session because I was a mess. I deadlifted heavy the day before, and it messed with the snatch workout. According to the random training philosophy of Crossfit, it should build my work capacity and make me fitter. In my book, it was stupid programming. I was smarter this week and came to practice fresh. Once again, the coaching is great at the local box. My technique is increasing by leaps and bounds. Once they let me off the chain, I'm going to set a new PR.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Hardest Thing About Oly Lifting Is The Metric System

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up : Lots of practice and transfer exercises

Training : (1) triples, OHS, 50K, 60K, 70K, 75K, 80K

Notes : Went back to the local CF affiliate. I know what you saying, “Brian. If the place isn’t the cat mellow, why you keep scratching at the door?” It was the first Olympic Lifting class. One major chink in my fitness armor is Oly Lifting. I have taught myself how to powerlift, run, kettlebell, and everything else from books or websites. I have been unable to teach myself the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. The coaches at this box are top notch. However, I still respectively disagree with their programming. They love their high volume, which is great for beginners. Beginner needs lots of practice and help building their work capacity. I’m low volume guy. I know the movements (I need work putting them together under heavy weights) and have plenty of work capacity. High volume just eats away at me. It was nice to go heavy with OHS because I usually don't due to a lack of proper facilities. I still don’t know my max because they had us stop before failure.

Bonus : CrossFit North’s Athletic Standard for “Advanced” OHS is 1Xbodyweight.

FYI : I weigh just under 80K.