Saturday, October 31, 2009

National Automotive Slum

Training: 1) Clean Shrug X 2, Power Clean, & Jerk, 70K

2) Front Squat, Triples, 105, 107, 109

3) Split Stance Strict Press, Fours, 43, 43, 43

4) Weight Situp X 10, Ab rollout X 10, 45lb, 55lb, 65lb

Bonus: 5 Strict Muscle-ups, Huge Personal Record

Notes: Last hard practice before the comp and went all out. I need to better control the dip on the jerk. I focused on speed during #2. My shoulders are still too tight for proper execution of #3. I was fooling around on the rings and got 5 strict muscle ups. Too bad it is not a front squat/ gymnastics competition next weekend.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Climate Refugee

Training: 1) Snatch Shrug X 2 & Power Snatch, 50K
Do the entire complex again
That is one set

Notes: I thought I was moving past shrugs. No, I graduated to doing 2x as many. My position is still too low on my thigh, I'm too tight in the shrug, and pulling too much from toes. It was a hard practice doing the same thing for 1 hour.

I'm counting the days and practices until the comp. I'm over it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning Rebound Syndrome

Training: 1) Hang Power Clean & Jerk X 2, up to 60K

2) Front Squat X 2 & Jerk, 85, 85, 85, 90, 90

Notes: I have graduated from doing endless shrugs and power cleans. I got a coaching nugget - relax just your grip before you jerk. That allows you to push with your body and not arms. Immediately my footwork got better. I can finally go heavy in the Jerk. I feel like I can make 105 or more.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch, Singles, 40, 45, ... 70, 73*, 73(f)

2) Clean & Jerk, Singles, 70, 80, 90, 100*, 102(f), 102*

* I set 2 important PRs (Snatch & Total) and 1 training PR (Clean).

rest 6 hours

3) Front Squat, 225, 3X3

4) Press, 130, 3X5

Snatch, 73k, Personal Record
One day I will stop Power Snatching heavy weights

Clean, 102k, Personal Record
(Jerk, Fail, didn't really try)

Notes: Getting it done for the comp. I lifted very strong. I kept a good pattern until 70K in Snatch and 102K in Clean & Jerk. I lifted with a tranquil mind and minimal rest. With adrenaline and more rest between attempts, I should demolish my PRs.

Training is about treating weaknesses. Competition is about playing to strengths. #3 & #4 are solidifying my strengths. FS and Presses are the foundation for me. I kept it light because they still accessory work.

The plan:
Mon - heavy technique work
Wednesday - singles with perfect form
Friday - light technique work
Saturday - heavy singles
Monday - heavy technique work
Wednesday - Openers
Sunday - Competition!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch, Shrug and Hang Snatch, up to 60K

Notes: Back on the grind after a 5 days of complete rest. Feel strong and refreshed.

Still working to get in the right position during second pull. It is more bent over, with less knee bend, and tighter posture. I can barely hold the position without a bar! I need to start the second pull with more good morning type movement and less knee drift.

60K felt light, considering my current PR is 71K. I'm on a trajectory for a good meet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Power Hoisting

Objective: Strength

Training: 1) Press, 130, 3X5
rest 3 minutes between sets

2) Corkscrew, 45, 3X10

Notes: Still milking linear gains in the press, but it is starting to get heavy. My shoulder is feeling better.

I don't very much core specific work. Why not?

If I was serious about CrossFit or Oly, I would take a week off after the comp and do a Starting Strength cycle. I miss the process (mostly, partly the results) of a good strength cycle. The problem is I'm too much in love with rock climbing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Compensated Dating

Objective:Clean & Jerk, Maximum Effort

Training: 1) clean x 1, jerk x 2, 60, 65, 70

2) C&J, Singles, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100(f), 85, 85, 85

3) Snatches, Singles, 40, 45, 50(f)

Notes: Went to the local affilate because they started a "Bulgarian" cycle, i.e. full lifts only. I forgot my oly shoes and had to lift in my beat up Converse All-stars. The cleans felt very good and strong. The jerks felt better than in the past, but my footwork is all over the place. My technique is still the biggest limiter. First time ever Snatching after C&J. I couldn't find my groove. Overall, a good day under the bar.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Squeezes

Training: 1) Rack Jerk X 2, up to 80k(?)

2) Front Squat, 235lbs, 3X3

Notes: I'm an idiot and cut off the tip of my thumb making breakfast. I'm not able to pull. I used the opportunity to work on my weak sauce jerk. I'm still dipping forward and my footwork is a mess. I need to turn my back foot in and my front foot needs to go out more. I got better and more comfortable with heavy weights. My speed is good. I love squatting. I could have went heavier but followed the coach's advice.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Training: 1) Snatch Shrug x 2, Power Snatch up to 50K

2) Snatch Shrug, 3 good ones, 55K

3) OHS, 3X4, 62K

Snatch Complex

Notes: Finally got back to Boulder and worked with RH, the other main coach. He has a slightly different take on my technique problems. I appreciate the different perspective and solutions. I don't finish the shrug properly, greasing the wrong groove. It is less of an issue with hang power snatches. My shoulder is feeling better, and I was able to OHS. It is still light but everything is moving in the right direction.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Muscular Christianity

Objective: Technique, Strength

Training: 1) Snatch Shrug X 2, Power Snatch, OHS x 3, up to 65lb

2) Clean Shrug X 2, Power Clean, Jerk, Press X 3, up to 95lb

3) Press, 125, 3 X 5

4) Shoulder Work

5) Wrist Work

Notes: I have fallen off the training wagon for the Oly Comp. I'm syked but it is hard to make the pilgrimage to Boulder to train at the best available place. This was a globogym session to work my limiters and grease the groove.

I moved up in the press. Overall, my shoulder is feeling better and stronger. It is the weakest part of the chain, therefore feels the tightest/sorest after a session. I'm looking forward to the day when my whole body feels the training.