Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Olympic Weightlifting

Objective : Strength

Training : (1) Power Snatch, triples, 40, 50, 55, 60, 55

(2) Overhead Squats, triples, 40, 50, 60, 75, 85x2

(3) Snatch grip shrugs, fives,

(4) Stiff-legged deadlift, fives,

OHS, 85x2
I would have done all three if I had reset my feet properly.
Attention to Detail.

Notes: The Power Snatches were more Muscle Snatches because the weight was light, and I lack great technique. I tried to set a new PR with OHS triples but had to settle for a double. My wrists hurt for 5 minutes after the lift. My wrists are messed up from a decade of skateboarding. There is a difference between pain and injury. That was pain.

Lately, I have be a little adrift in my Olympic lifting quest. I started the weightlifting class with the goal of increasing my 1 RM snatch and c&j. The class never maxes out (and probably never will). However, I will get an opportunity at a local competition at the end of the next month. It is just a "fun" meet, but it gives me goal to focus on. I think the fastest road to improvement is through competition.

Bonus : Here are the Viking Laws.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You’re Funny but Looks Aren’t Everything

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) 3-pos Snatch, 3 times
5 rounds (45 total Snatches!!!)

(2) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press, fives, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55

(3) Snatch Pull, triples, 60, 70, 75

(4) Front Squat, triples, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115(f)

Snatch Pull, triples, 75
I kept my "chest up." It helped.

Front Squat, triples, 110
Good and Heavy

Front Squat, triples, 115(fail)
I tried to triple my previous 1 RM.
"A man's reach should exceed his grasp"

Notes : I had to go to the 7am class because I'm heading to Boulder for some climbing flicks. The cultural events make living in the Front Range nice, compared to the backwards of CA. My body doesn't move well in the morning, and 45 snatches is a hell of a wake-up. My new shoes are incredible. I sit back on the heels, and they do all the work. Compare this workout to : Mittens & Zip Ties (pre weightlifting shoes).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Power Bottom

Objective : Olympic Weightlifting

Training : (1) Rack Jerks, doubles, 40K, 50K, 60K, 70K, 80K

(2) Clean High Pulls, triples, 110K, 120K, 120K

(3) High bar back squats, fives!!, 110K, 120K, 130K

(4) 3 rounds
3 frenchies, 5s hold each position
5 pistols

(5) 3X10, hanging leg raises

Rack Jerk, Double, 80K
I start criticizing my form in the middle of the lift. I really should wait until the weight is no longer in a position to kill me before I start my commentary.

Clean High Pull, Triples, 120K
I don't have a good idea what I'm suppose to do with this exercise. I just try really hard.

High-bar Back Squats, Fives, 130K
It is good to be back under the bar.

Notes : Another high volume session. The leash was loosen a little, and I put some weight on the bar. Heavy Split Jerks are relativity new for me. I usually workout in places where you can't drop the weight. Recently, I have done only Push Presses or Push Jerks. This is the first time back squatting in a long, long time. Mountain Athlete recommends front squats, and I agree. When I do back squat, it is low-bar powerlifter style. Low-bar squats are like handjams. You can crank on them, but they suck. High-bar squats are like fingerlocks. You can't crank as hard, and they suck twice as much. I'm not sold on frenchies. They are hard, but I'm not sure if they translate to the rock. I remember having similar frenchie numbers when I was a far worse climber.

Bonus : My new shoes are rad. I'm much better in the bottom position (he, he, he). They size the same as Converse All-stars and here is a discount code : CF1007.