Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busting Up A Starbucks

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: (1) 400m, run
(2) Burgener warm-up

Training: (1) Hang Snatch, triples, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60x2, 55x2

(2) Snatch Balance, triples, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75

(3) 50 GHD sit-ups, not for time but unbroken

No excuses, but some days it is harder to hang onto a barbell.

Snatch Balance, triples, 75
Why can't I get under the bar like this during a Snatch?

Notes: The local CrossFit affiliate posts their workouts the night before. When I saw this one, I know I had to do it. It focuses on one of my biggest weaknesses, the third pull of Snatch. I still think the local affiliate's version of the Burgener warm-up is a pile. They don't squat below parallel during it. I saw several people unable to land in a full squat with weight, early in the workout, because there was no movement preparation for it. I used my anger about my competition performance as fuel for this workout. A couple of weeks ago, 75k was 1 RM for Snatch Balance. I tripled it today. NICE. The GHD sit-ups were a joke. I need to stay away from Oly lifting/CrossFit so I can focus on climbing.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Olympic Weightlifting Competition, 6 chances to mess you up

Objective: Performance

Snatch: (1) 70k, fail (press out)
(2) 70k, success!!!
(3) 72k, fail (did not get under it at all)

Clean & Jerk: (1) 80k, success (easy day)
(2) 85k, success!!! (personal record, not a problem)
(3) 90K, fail (press out because I hit myself in the face)

Total: 155K (personal record)
Place: 2nd place in 85k weight class (by 2 kilos!)

You know you are at a local competition when it is hard to keep little children and cute dogs off the lifting platform

These two kids loaded the bar for the whole competition.
It makes me want to have kids. I hate bending over and changing the weights. Plus it helps the kids learn to count.

Clean & Jerk, 85
A personal record and my best lift of the competition

Notes: I rolled down to Broomfield for my first Olympic Weightlifting competition. 3 attempts at the Snatch and 3 attempts at the Clean & Jerk. I got there plenty early which gave me time to calm down since I felt like puking in the parking lot. It would have been the first time puking from CrossFit/Oly lifting.

The atmosphere was very informal and fun, but the competition was professionally run. There was 3 "flights", groups of competitors. The first flight was woman. The 2nd flight was men whose opening lifts were less than 60K. I was in the 3rd flight, mostly with men that tipped the scales at 200lbs+. I felt tiny.

I missed my opener (which completely sucks) because I tried to squat snatch it and ended up pressing it out. I have always been better at power snatching. Just like in climbing, don't change your beta on redpoint burns. I made it the second time. I pulled the crap out of 72k, but didn't get under it. My third pull is pathetic.

I was calmer and more warmed up for the clean & jerk. I opened very conservatively, and it worked out well. My 2nd attempt went up very easily so I made another big jump for my 3rd attempt. I tend to drift forward on my Jerks. I over corrected on my 3rd attempt and hit myself in the chin! I'm such a klutz.

I got 2nd by 2 freaking kilos. I didn't realize that anyone was close to me because he lifted in another flight. I out snatched him by 5 kilos, but my poor jerk ability/coordination put me in 2nd place. I was pissed.

Overall, it was great. I just wish my training had better prepared me for lifting in a meet. I'm even thinking about entering a competition at the end July. It is at the Olympic Training Center. How freaking cool is that!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Decaf Espresso

Warm-up: (1) row 500m (1:47)
(2) Burgener warm-up

Training: (1) Power Snatch & 3 Overhead Squats, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70

(2) Snatch Shrug, triples, 74, 84, 84

(3) Stiff Legged Deadlift, fives, 84, 90, 93

Power Snatch & 3 Overhead Squats, 70
Ties my PR set on Birthday Challenge with a HUGE improvement in form

Snatch Shrug, triples, 84
Getting better at these, but I really need work on my 3rd pull

Notes: Last session before the competition. Luckily, the "random" programming was a lower volume this week. 70k is the most I have ever Snatched!! I have no idea how much I'm going to lift in the competition. I don't think it will be much more because my technique with heavy weights is very poor. I tend to "press out" heavy weights, which is a foul in competition.

The stiff-legged deadlifts felt better this week. My body is learning how to do the exercise, and I can start to increase the kilos. I do them nice and slow with perfect form, almost like a bodybuilder. I can touch the weights to the ground for the first time since my hamstrings have less tension. I attribute that to working out less and stretching more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabagging Obama

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: Burgener Warm-up

Training: (1) 3-position clean & jerk, 5X3, 30K (Yes, I did all 45)

(2) Rack Jerk, doubles, 40, 60, 80, 90(x1), 65, 65

(3) GHD situp, 3X10, 20

Rack Jerk, 90X1
My aggressiveness and footwork are not present at heavy weights

Rack Jerk, 65X2
I dropped back down and things got cleaner.

Notes: I should be picking my opening lifts for the upcoming competition. I asked one of coach at the CrossFit box about the topic. He didn't know (since I have never done the full movements with heavy weights there). It is especially ironic since their motto is : Train here, succeed out there. I'm not set up to succeed at my upcoming comp. I did their workout as Rx'd. My jerk needs a lot of work.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bitch Slapped by the Invisible Hand

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: a bunch of snatches

Training: (1) Snatch - 70% x 2 x 3 , 52

(2) Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3, 68

(3) Snatch deadlift - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 3, 68

(4) Front squat - 75% x 3 x 5, 91

(5) Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 8, 20

Snatch pull, triples, 68
Sky High

Snatch, triples, 43
I get too much elevation, but at least I'm not donkey kicking.

Notes: I got this gem from Catalyst Athletics. If I had a choice in my programming, I would choose their programming. They load the full lifts and focus on increasing totals.

It was a full hour and hard. Since I was lifting with steel, I had to be in complete control, and it took a toll on me. I didn't want to do the weighted sit-ups, but I won't be able to look myself in the mirror if I had quit.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tight Jeans & Loose Women

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: 3-postion clean & jerk, 20K, 34K, 43K, 57K

Training: (1) Rack Jerk, triples, 61K, 66K, 70K, 75K

(2) Back extensions, fives, 41K, 41K, 41K

(3) Plank, aka stamp collectors, 30s each side X 3

Rack Jerk, triples, 70K

Plank, aka stamp collectors
1 arm & 1 leg

Notes: Hit the Oly workout at the globo gym which was less than optimal, goofy plates and people looking at me weird for grunting. I was a surprisingly sore from the Mountain Athlete workout yesterday. No excuses, but I lowered the volume.

I'm very bad at the Jerk. I just started doing it a couple of weeks ago. I know I can easily Clean what I can Jerk. There will be lots of Jerk work until the competition.

I did my homework and the best lifts in my weight division at the last competition were : Snatch, 75k, C&J, 107k, and Total, 182K. It will be hard, but I want to win. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I’m in like with you

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: 3 position snatch, 5X3, 25k all sets

(1) Snatch Balance, 5x5, 30K, 40K, 50K, 60k, 65K

(3) Front Squat, triples, 85K, 95K, 105K
double, 115K

Snatch Balance
65K X 5

Front Squat
115K X 2

Notes: After driving for 18 hours straight and working my desk job for two days, I was a wreck. I don't tolerate inactivity very well. I was ready for my weekly oly workout. In addition, the workouts are taking on a new seriousness because the competition is only days away. I really like the environment, but disagree with the programming. I rather load the full movements and lower the volume.