Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too much Month At The End of the Money

Objective: Snatch

Warm-up: 2 rounds
row 200m for time (34.6s, 34.7s)
rest as needed between rounds

Training: Snatch, Singles, 125, 135, 145, 155(f), 155, 145, 145

Snatch 155lb
Looking a little less sucky, I swear I try to have the bar and hips rise at the same time.

Notes: I went to the other CrossFit affiliate for the WOD class because it was max effort snatch. This affiliate takes the concept of "warm-up as workout" too far. I was expected and encouraged to do the sprint row as fast possible without any other warm-up. They were disappointed in me when I didn't beat my 1st round time. That is just stupid and a good way to hurt athletes.

I received no coaching on the Snatch though out the session. In addition, their bars lack knurling near the collars. That makes it very difficult to pull yourself under the bar during the 3rd pull. I was able to come close to my contest PR. I finished with some lighter singles to work on technique and build capacity.

I'm not going back to their group classes.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Objective: Jerk


Jerk, 100K
Personal Record

Jerk, 102K, fail

Notes: Went to a very full CrossFit class. I set an easy PR at 100K. I should stop when I set a PR. I continued and missed 102K. At least I'm not afraid of missing, still pushing my mental barriers. I dropped down and took heavy, lighter singles (95, 97) to work technique.

The Met Con was heavy and short. RAD. I did the pull ups with 40lbs, swings with 40K, and the lunges were longer than 100ft(not planned). I did 5 rounds in 10 minutes. Good Heavy Breathing. I no longer feel the need to keep compare my training performance to other people.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bottom Space

Objective: Strength


Front Squat, Heavy Single, 130K
Personal Record

Push Jerk, Triples, 70K
I kept it light to work on technique

Notes: The local affiliate has started a strength focused cycle. I'm skipping it. The quickest and best way to improve is by attacking limiters. In Oly lifting, my biggest limiter is poor technique at heavy weights. A strength cycle does not directly address my limiter.

On a positive note, I set a huge PR in the front squat. The biggest difference in my training has been more time off and a Creatine cycle. Interesting.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Luddite Blog

Object: Strength, MetCon

Training: (1) 1 RM Deadlift, 410bs

(2) 5 rounds
10 swings, 1.5 pood
15 box jumps, 36''
20 GHD situps
Not for time, "work briskly, not frantically"

Deadlift, 410lbs
Personal Record
I've not deadlifted heavy in 6 months.

Notes: I'm taking a week off from Oly Lifting after the meet. During my travels, I ended up at Planet Granite in SF. It has a full CrossFit gym but no forced WOD. RAD. I used the opportunity to pull heavy and breath hard.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

State Games of America, Trip Report

The Promise Land :
USA Weightlifting Training Center in Colorado Springs
The best bar I have ever touched, and it was in the warm-up room.

Notice I'm one of the tallest in my weightclass, i.e. bad levers.

Everyone was punters compared to this guy.
He made the Clean but missed the Jerk.
(That is 170K/375lbs @ 94K.)

Final Results

I attending my second Weightlifting competition at the State Games of America at the USA Weightlifting Training Center in Colorado Springs. I still felt the almost cripplingly nervousness but better than my 1st comp. I went through distinct cycles of anxiety followed by nausea and finally calm.

I could only briefly enjoy the ambiance of the Olympic Training Center. There were was a sharp contrast between the bristling muscles of the athletes and the husky waddle of the tourists. I ate my lunch of hard boiled eggs and almonds next to a family munching on McDonald's. This time I was clam enough to enjoy watching the woman lifting. One of the female Olympic Training Center resident athletes did the most beautiful lift I had ever seen.

Being self-coached at Oly meet is hard, but I getting used to it. However, the people at CrossFit Front Range Weightlifting Club help me in innumerable small ways. I did my standard warm up of 500m row and mobility drills. I hit all my warm ups, using the template from Greg Everett's book. I went too fast so I took 55K three times, every 8 minutes.

I went 3 for 3 on Snatches (60, 65, 71), still more power-style. Attempt #2 almost got away from me. In the process of wrestling into control, I strained my left middle back.

I was prepared for some heavy C&J, coming off a string of training PRs. I stuck to the same plan: open very conservatively, big but doable jump, and set PR. I went 3 for 3 on C&J (85, 90, 95). During my 2nd attempt I pressed it out a little with right arm, enough to strain my shoulder.

Overall, the event was incredible. I set 3 PRs (Snatch 71, Clean & Jerk 95, and Total 166). I felt completely maxed, physically and mentally. There is a lot of work going into, but worth it. I love competing. Olympic Weightlighting is distilled to pure essesence: you, a bar, and a couple seconds of intense effort.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

State Games of America, Killin' It

State Games of America
Killin' It

Written report coming soon.