Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Get My Advice From The Advertising World

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: row 500m (1:50, It wasn't for time, but slower than I wanted)

Training: Snatch, work up to 1 single at 85%, 64K

Snatch Pull, triples, 70, 75

Snatch Deadlift, triples, 85, 85

Box Jump, 15 at 30''

Bonus: test 1 RM Box Jump, 46''

Notes: I feel slow and old after the driving, not sleeping, and training for climbing. But what the hell, let's throw some heavy weights over my head. I'm actually glad for a medium intensity ultra-low volume day. I focused on fixing my two biggest technical weaknesses, hips raising first and donkey kicking. I made some progress. Both of these problems stem from being self-taught. I did not learn the deadlift correctly at first. In addition, I feel like I need to throw the weight in the air. I should pull the weight up and myself under. 30 days until the competition.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not The Only Apple On The Tree

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Single Snatch on the minute with the following weights:
5 X 50% of 1 RM
5 X 60% of 1 RM

Bonus: 5X5, GHD sit-ups, 45lb (On the last set, I did 11 reps)

Notes: Back to the local affiliate for this session. 80% is medium intensity. 5 singles is low volume. You don't make monsters out of medium intensity, low volume workouts. Since I'm a novice, mere exposure will make me better.

I did get fatigued towards the end and starting reverting to my old ways, i.e. Power Snatch. The coach kept me honest and made go back to the Snatch.

I used this as an opportunity improve my weak sauce jerk. The best cue for me is "HEELS." The bar will go more straight up and down, less forward. My split suffers for a first couple of reps, but fixes itself. I'm syked for next month's Oly comp.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How A Resurrection Really Feels

Objective: Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up: (1) Burgner Warm-up
(2) Mobility Drills
(3) Snatch, singles, 95 X 4

Training: (1) Snatch, singles, 105, 115, 125, 115, 115

(2) Clean and Jerk, singles, 115, 125, ..., 185, 175, 175

Snatch, 125
I'm still part donkey

Clean and Jerk, 185
A little squirrelly on the Jerk

Notes: I'M BACK IN THE GAME. I was wallowing in self pity about Oly lifting. The local CrossFit gym has great equipment but suboptimal programming. I can't lift at home since I live in an upstairs apartment and don't think my downstairs would like me dropping the weights. I got off my ass and found another CrossFit affiliate that has open gym time. It is in some random Front Range cowtown. It has crappy bars, a bad platform, and no squat racks. (Seriously, your gym is a pile if it doesn't have squat racks.). I can ignore the glaring deficiencies because it has bumpers and I can train the way I want.

This workout is a baseline. I worked up to a heavy single and then dropped down for two more singles. My snatch needs a lot of work - 3rd pull, hips raising first, shoulders not set, and donkey kicking. I need to stay on my heels more for the clean and jerk.

I still love heavy lifting. As Coach Burgner says, "That fires my ass up!!"